What to do with Crypto profits after great gains is the difference between a successful investor and an unsuccessful investor. We live in an unstable world which delivers twists and turns we could never have imagined, however this also offers great opportunities to the smart investor. No one would have guessed the highs Bitcoin reached in November 2021 of over US$69,000, when it had gone from US$3.03 in May 2011 to US$13.09 in August 2011. This article gives a great insight into the highs, lows and instability of Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies With Bitcoin so volatile, surely cashing in on some profits is prudent and investing them into investment grade classic motorcycles is the way forward. I wrote this article last month about how to invest in classic motorcycles to beat inflation and how now is the time to do so. They offer tax free returns and they have plenty of headroom for investors. Now is a great time to protect Crypto profits by investing in investment grade classic motorcycles.

Tax free investment beats inflation
Classic motorcycles offer tax free investment and a great deal of fun as well. There are no taxes, CGT or any other form of penalties on classic motorcycles, just like classic cars. The profits from classic motorcycles have been outstanding and have far from peaked when compared to classic cars. You can see how well they have been performing from our ROI charts here which show how they’ve been gaining ground as a serious tangible asset since 2010. It’s clear that if you want to protect crypto profits, invest them into classic motorcycles which offer fun and something tangible, as well as profit protection. Investment grade classic motorcycles also offer an investment which is stable, not so volatile and longer term, yet with outstanding profits. The price of crypto, like gold and silver, can be manipulated by those in charge of money printing to help maintain the appearance of a strong and stable US Dollar. The values of classic cars and classic motorcycles cannot be manipulated by any such organisations. Could you imagine the men in black at classic motorcycle and car auctions buying up the best examples only to dump them at no reserve 24 hour eBay auctions to disrupt the market? Clearly what to do with crypto profits is to invest them in investment grade classic motorcycles.

Stable investment in volatile times
A stable investment in volatile times is a great solution to what to do with crypto profits. When you look at the cumulative profits of classic motorcycles since 2011 on our ROI page compared to the volatile prices of Bitcoin in this incredibly informative video here It’s fascinating to look at the peaks and troughs and trying to understand them and play the market compared to the calm of classic motorcycle investment. Yes there may be a year, or a few years, where values of classic motorcycles don’t increase, but they don’t drop either. Classic motorcycles increase in value and then maintain that value before increasing in value again. Of course, this only applies to investors who invest in the correct classic motorcycle, as I point out in this article here, and as long as the machine is one of the 8% which is investment grade. Looking at these ROI charts of Bitcoin is like a rollercoaster compared to investment grade classic motorcycles. There’s no second guessing required for investment grade classic motorcycles, no peaks to ride and troughs to buy in. Prices are guaranteed to increase, no one knows exactly when, but if you’re happy to buy and hold then you will make great tax free profits without watching your original investment dive in value. Looking again at this article shows the immense profits generated by Bitcoin, but there’s also two terrifying years for investors if they were involved during 2014 or 2018. What is most concerning is that the market is open to money printers buying crypto and dumping it to manipulate the price. There’s another great article here that explains how crypto works and some of the volatility that offers immense profits and losses in equal measure, depending on the market. There’s also the threat of crypto becoming outlawed and investors losing everything, although I’m pretty sure it will always be an asset, however we live in times where the unprecedented is commonplace.

Diversify your portfolio to include tangible assets like classic motorcycles
Diversify your portfolio to include tangible assets like investment grade classic motorcycles now if you’re booking profits. These assets offer stability and fun, everything crypto can’t offer you. Investors love classic motorcycles because there’s no left or right hand drive, they take up a fraction of the space that a car takes up and they’re beautiful and fun to own. If you are interested in riding a motorcycle, they offer great reliable regular transport, if they’re bought from a source who understands them. You can’t really ride your crypto to work and find a crowd gathered around it in awe because it’s so unusual and beautiful. Your crypto won’t allow you to go to shows with the rarest classic motorcycles and cars in the world at Blenheim Palace or win you prizes while you’re there. Classic motorcycles offer all of this and more, if they are the 8% of each model which is an investment grade example of that machine. They can easily be moved anywhere in the world, true not as easily as crypto can be, but much easier than a classic car. Classic motorcycles have a lot further to go in terms of future profits with China now entering the market and so many classic car investors entering the market, as I pointed out in this video here. What to do with crypto profits will certainly determine whether you are a successful investor whatever the outcome is for crypto currencies.

Safe haven asset
Investment grade classic motorcycles are a safe haven asset. They cannot be diluted in number, as each machine has a unique chassis number. There are far more buyers than investment grade examples in the world and the demand is only growing by the day, as this article written in September 2015 clearly highlights. It is absolutely critical, if you want your classic motorcycle to be a safe haven investment, to ensure it is definitely one of the 8% of nearly every model that is an investment grade example. You don’t find Picassos on eBay and you will not find investment grade classic motorcycles there either. Auctions are no longer a sound hunting ground, just have a look at their terms and conditions, most investment grade classic motorcycles are found off market. The biggest seller of off market investment grade classic motorcycles is The Motorcycle Broker. If you want to to know what to do with crypto profits, it’s easy, invest them in investment grade classic motorcycles. Call The Motorcycle Broker to protect crypto profits.
- Most collectible Ducati 916 SP - June 20, 2024
- Classic Motorcycles: To ride or not to ride? - June 17, 2024
- Classic Motorcycles: To ride or not to ride? - June 17, 2024
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